Search Console can help you understand why your site is performing well or poorly in organic results. Search Console helps you monitor spam issues to keep your site clean, helps you submit new content to crawl, and allows you to remove old content.

Options for Adding

  1. Submit through Google Base Merchant Center: If you use your Google Account to create sites using other Google products (for example, Blogger), Webmaster Tools can detect those sites and automatically add them to the Webmaster Tools account that uses the same Google Account. In other words, after you add a sites account to the Google Base Merchant Center, the sites account will automatically relay over to the Webmaster Tool account list. However, the "Submit Sitemap" step will still need to be done manually. So you will only need to do steps 1 & 7-11.
  2. Create account directly in Webmaster Tool: If a site does not need to be added to Google Base Merchant Center (non ecommerce sites) you will need to manually add it directly in the WebMaster Tool and then proceed to perform the "Submit Sitemap" step.

Steps Performed

  1. Log into Google Webmaster Tools using your Google Analytics account information
    • Enter your email and password to login
  2. Do a search to make sure the company has not already been added (Ctrl +F), note that you will need to look at each page for accurate search results. If the site has already been added, this means it was added when the account was created in the Google Base Merchant center.
  3. Click “Add a Site” if not already added (If already added, skip to step 7)
  4. Enter sites url (example:
  5. Select Alternative Method & Choose the step for copying the Meta tag : In separate window/tab enter in code (example, ) into Head Code area of Home page in WSM & Save (Content> Site Pages> Pages icon for Content> Edit icon for Home> Paste into Custom Head Code field, Save Changes)
  6. After Code has been pasted in and saved, Navigate back to the Webmaster tool in the other window/tab> Verify
  7. On the Webmaster tools Home page, search for the account and click the account name.
  8. Click “Site Map” from this screen
  9. And again, Click “Add/Test Sitemap” from this screen
  10. Enter “sitemap_index.xml”
  11. Click “Submit Site Map”

Once account is listed in the Webmaster Tool and Sitemap is submitted, all steps are complete!