This excellent feature offers your customers a dynamic way to find the products they need without browsing through what could be thousands of products.

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With shopping sites your customers may find they have thousands of products to sort through. Customers want to find the products they need quickly and easily. Attributes allow you to easily organize products based on groupings you create, i.e. year, make, and model. Then WSM will display a straightforward search tool for the customer to narrow the products listed based on the Attributes you create.


Setup a New Attribute Group

Complete the following to access the module/area/section in Web Shop Manager (WSM)

  1. Log into your WSM Admin panel
  2. Hover over Catalog
  3. Click on Attributes
  4. Click Add Attribute button
    Below is a description for each of the fields on the Product Attribute screen
    1. Name - Replace the words "New Label" with text that describes your attribute, such as Year. This label will be used on your frontend of your website next to the dropdown list of the Values associated with this label.
    2. Range - The range setting is for use in the backend of WSM only. It is used to allow you to add a range of attributes at one time. This setting is most commonly used with years. See below for details on assigning attributes to a product.
    3. Values - This section is used to add the different values that appear in the drop down list on the front end of your site. To add a value click Add Value. If you need to edit a value click the edit icon to the left of the value. Note, you can click the expand link to view more values at one time. The order of the attributes in the back end is the order they appear in the drop down list. If you want to reorder the values you can do so by clicking and dragging on each value. Do not leave a blank value in the list - it will not be saved!
  5. Add Label - Note: do NOT use this button unless you actually need to add another segment to the attribute group.  If you leave a label and/or its values blank, it will cause problems saving.  This button allows you to add another Label to the attribute group. Once the additional label is added you can click and drag the labels to reorder them or use the sort arrows to reorder the entire list. The order of the labels appear as they will on the front end of your site.
  6. Click Add Attribute or Save Changes button to save all changes

Adding an Attribute Value

You can add new values to existing attributes which will then be available to add to products.

  1. Log into your WSM Admin panel
  2. Hover over Catalog
  3. Click on Attributes
  4. Locate the Attribute Group name you want to add the value to
  5. Click the Edit icon
  6. Click Add Label - This button allows you to add another Label to the attribute group. Once the additional label is added you can click and drag the labels to reorder them or use the sort arrows to reorder the entire list.
  7. Click Save Changes button to save all changes

Adding Attributes to Products

The following steps are dependent upon your site containing products. If you have not created product, see Products Article. You have two options when assigning the Attributes to a product(s), Manually or with an Import. You can view details on Importing Attributes in our importing section of the Help Center. For Manual assigning proceed to the following steps.

  1. Log into Web Shop Manager
  2. Hover over Catalog
  3. Click Products
  4. Locate the product you need to modify and click the edit icon.
  5. Scroll to Options & Attributes section
  6. Click Add Attributes button
  7. If you have more then one attribute group select the group you need to add from in the drop down list
  8. Select the value from each drop down list. If Range is set for an Attribute Label you need to specify the lowest value first. i.e. For a year range 1998 in the first drop down and 2000 in the second. 
  9. Click Add button
  10. Continue until all Attributes are assigned
  11. Click Save Changes button

Deleting Attributes from Products

The following steps are dependent upon your site containing products. If you have not created a product, see Products Article. You have two options when assigning the Attributes to a product(s), Manually or with an Import. You can learn more by viewing the details on Importing Attributes in our importing section of WSMU. For Manual assigning proceed to the following steps.

  1. Log into Web Shop Manager
  2. Hover over Catalog
  3. Click Products
  4. Locate the product you need to modify and click the edit icon.
  5. Scroll to Options & Attributes section
  6. Locate the attribute, you want to remove and click RED X 
  7. Click Save Changes button