There are different ways that WSM allows you to customize your Category profile imports. The table below can be used as a quick reference tool which will assist you in using the data import feature properly and effectively when importing categories.

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Let’s say that you have a large amount of categories that you would like to be put onto your website. Would you rather enter each item manually or create a spreadsheet that would allow you to import them all in just a few clicks? I would venture a guess that you would pick the latter of the two. By utilizing the category data import fields, you will be able to upload a virtually unlimited amount of categories in a tidy way with minimal setup. 

Steps for using the category import data feature:

  1.  First, you will need to create a spreadsheet indicating all of the values that you would like to display along with the category.

These values usually consist of:

    • item#
    • primary description (summary)
    • secondary description (summary2)
    • image(s)
    • any other information that you would also like to have shown on your category page.

      2.  Once you have created your spreadsheet and saved it as a CSV file, you can begin to set up the back end of WSM to allow importing of your categories.

The table below will help to determine which values and definitions each of your fields require. You will utilize this chart once your product profile is created and you are beginning to add fields to allow for your csv category spreadsheet to be imported.

Form Fields Defined

Default:The value which is automatically displayed if you have not designated a value on your import file.

Values:Indicates how you must enter the text for that particular field category.

Delimited: Indicates what you must use for your Multi-Value Delimiter when having multiple cells load into one profile field. This feature is most commonly used when loading product images, as many times clients wish to show multiple product images for each item. If the MVD was a - your VALUES would read as the following: ${column header1}-${column header2}-${column header3}

Force Update:Indicates whether a force update must be clicked to have the new data load over the existing data. A force update is needed when an existing field’s information does not automatically update with the new csv file’s data.

Character: Either a restriction or recommendation for this field.

Special Notes:See special notes section for any additional details that may need to be referenced.


Field Names Defined:
Access Group Default: Disabled
Values: Text, No HTML
Delimited: To assign more than one access group use ; as your Multi-Value Delimiter
Force Update: Yes
Special Notes: The access group has to be created before you can assign through import and it must be used in conjunction with Login Required.
Added Default: Today's Date
Values: A Date & Time Using the following format 2012-01-01 01:01:01
Delimited: N/A
Force Update: No
Special Notes: N/A 
Category Path

Default: Blank
Text, no HTML
Use the > as your Compound-Value Delimiter to separate your Parent and Child categories.
Force Update: No
Character Limit:
 255 between each delimiter
Special Notes: This feild can be used to import and create categories for your site. The value between each delimiter will create a separate category on your site with the correct relationship, ie Parent>Child>Child2. NOTE: When using this field to create categories you cannot have the Parent or Title fields mapped in the same CSV Profile. Also, you can use this to export your site's category tree/path.

Description  Default: Blank
Values: Text, HTML Allowed
Delimited: N/A
Force Update: No
Character Limit: 2,000,000
Special Notes: When entered the information will appear next to the category image and below the Name, when viewing the category page. You can use HTML when entering this information into the Import File to create formatted text.
Extended Description Default: Blank
Values: Text, HTML Allowed
Delimited: N/A
Force Update: No
Character Limit: 2,000,000
Special Notes: Used as the Extended Description and is displayed below the products or sub-categories that appear on the category page. You can use HTML when entering this information into the Import File to create formatted text. 
Hidden Default: No (Not Hidden)
Values: 0 or 1
Delimited: N/A
Force Update: No
Special Notes: 1=Yes, 0=No. Only the number should be entered in the cell in your CSV file, no text. It can also be added as a literal value in your CSV Profile.
ID Default: Blank/System Generated by WSM.
Values: Numerical ID
Delimited: N/A
Force Update: No
Special Notes: This ID can only be used when updating existing brands in your site. It cannot be used too create new brands.
Image Default: None
Values: Full URL for Location of the file
Delimited: N/A
Force Update: Yes
Special Notes: When uploaded this can be displayed in two locations. First at the top next to your description and also on sub category list view. 
Login Required Default:  Disabled
Values: 0 or 1
Delimited: N/A 
Force Update: No
Special Notes: 1=Enabled 2=Disabled when enabled requires your customers to be logged in with a customer account for them to be able to view the page. Can be used in conjunction with access groups. 
Meta Description Default: Blank/System Generated by WSM from your product description.
Values: Text, No HTML
Delimited: N/A
Force Update: No
Special Notes: We recommend a max length of 200 characters and/or 2 sentences. Do not excessivly repeat metakeywords (spam).
Meta Keywords Default: Blank/System Generated by WSM from your product description.
Values: Text, No HTML
Delimited: N/A
Force Update: No
Special Notes: We recommend a max length of 20 keywords (words or pharses separated by commas).
Meta Title Default: Blank/System Generated by WSM matching your brand name.
Values: Text, No HTML
Delimited: N/A
Force Update: No
Special Notes: We recommend a maximum length of 60 characters
Name Default: Blank
Values: Text, no HTML
Character Count: 255
Delimited: N/A
Force Update: No
Special Notes: This will be the name displayed to the customer at the top of the category page. It does not have to be unique but should be descriptive enough for customers to recognize what category they are browsing.
Parent Default: Blank
Values: Text, no HTML
Delimited: N/A
Force Update: No
Character Limit: 255
Special Notes: Only used if your category is a child/sub category. This is the name of the parent category. A sub category can only be assigned to one parent.
Priority Default: 500
Values: Numeric 1-999
Delimited: N/A
Force Update: No
Special Notes: The priority will control the order of the products on the page. The higher the priority number, the closer to the top of the page it will appear.
Stamp Default: Can not be imported
Values: N/A
Delimited: N/A
Force Update: N/A
Special Notes: Can not be imported, this is only used when exporting products to export the last date the product was updated.  
Template Default: None 
Values: Text, No HTML
Delimited: N/A
Force Update: No
Special Notes: The "Default" template in your WSM site is always used as your default template unless otherwise specified. Typically a site will only have one template.

Custom URL

**NOT "Page URL"

Default: Blank/System Generated by WSM matching your category name.
Values: Text, No HTML
Delimited: N/A
Force Update: No
Special Notes: Typically the URL is made with your current category name and/or in combination with all categories above it.  If you enter your own URL, it will replace the text portion of the system-generated URL based on the category name.  ?Must be a unique relative URL.


Importing categories is an important aspect of your data import process because it has an effect on your customer's shopping experience. If a category does not exist and you are importing products that includes the category tree, the categories will automatically be created for you. More than one category can be created at a time in this fashion. This content will guide your user's shopping experience. When used correctly it also has the ability to improve the search value of your site.

For additional assistance with importing please complete our support request form.