WSM allows the ability to import product reviews in a CSV Import Profile. Here we will explain the process and fields for importing reviews.

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If you're migrating an existing website to WSM, Product Reviews can be imported after Customers and Products are entered into the new website. Reviews must be imported using a CSV spreadsheet import profile with the field names as column headers. The CSV profile you create to import Product Reviews can also be used to export existing reviews.

This CSV Profile type follows the standard WSM Import/Export functionality, please reference the Importing Basics article on editing and running CSV imports.


Complete the following to access the module/area/section in Web Shop Manager (WSM)

  1. Log into your WSM Admin panel
  2. Hover over Data
  3. Click on CSV Profiles
  4. Click on Add Profile
    1. Give the new profile a name, such as "Product Review Import"
    2. Type: CSV
    3. Update Only: No
    4. Model: Product Review
    5. Strip HTML: Yes
    6. Click Add Profile
  5. Once the new profile is created, click on the blue folder icon to edit the field mappings.
  6. Create field mappings matching the column headers in your CSV import file following the fields definitions below.
    1. All field Source Types should be set to "column" unless using a literal term for any hard set values.

Form Fields Defined

Below is a list of each field available to be imported or exported for Product Reviews.

 An asterisk * identifies a required field.

Field Name
Description or Purpose
Added Time/Date stamp field for the date of the review and displayed on the site front end as the review date. Must be imported as Month/Day/Year, such as 7/6/2015.

Binary Field (1 = Yes and 0 = No)  Reviews can be entered into WSM as not approved, which will not display them on the front end of the website. They can be approved at a later date through the admin or updated via import.

Body* Text field (no HTML) and is the body/text of the review. Hard breaks can be imported to represent multiple paragraphs in the review text if necessary.
Customer Email* This field must match the existing customer email in WSM in order to map the product review to the customer. If there is no customer email available on the review, a placeholder customer can be setup in WSM, such as "Loyal Customer" to be used for product review purposes.
ID* Unique Key. Leave column values empty for ID if importing new reviews, and WSM will create a new record for each individual row without an ID. The ID is used as the unique key when updating existing reviews via export/import.
Product ID* This is the WSM Product ID to link the product to the review. You can get this value by exporting products and running a VLOOKUP in Excel to match the StockID/SKU between the product reviews file and the WSM product export.
Purchased* Binary Field (1 = Yes and 0 = No) Represents whether the customer actually purchased the product from your website. Typically set to 1 (Yes).
Rating This is the star rating represented numerically using whole number values from 1 to 5. 1 being one star and 5 being five stars.
Stamp The date/time stamp WSM places on the review for when it was actually created. This cannot be edited and is an admin-only field, and not visible on the site front end.
Title* Text field and is the title/header of the review.


Once all field mappings are setup, you can run the import using empty values in the ID column to create new product reviews. It is recommended you import one or two rows at first as a test, then analyze the imported reviews to ensure everything was created properly. You can use the same profile to export reviews from the site to make any corrects or changes, in which case the ID field will be populated and used to reference the existing reviews. Be sure to select the Force option when running an import to update existing reviews, to ensure the fields are updated properly.