An inquiry form is a way for websites to gather valuable information and leads from users on the site itself.

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The inquiry form itself can have a variety of different fields, which will be dependent mostly on the industry the company is involved in. Of course, there will be fields that are universally included, like name, email, and other contact info. There are even websites (lead generation sites) where the sole purpose of the site itself is to get people to fill out inquiry forms. For these sites, receiving an inquiry would be considered a conversion, because the user took the action you intended.

How to create an inquiry form steps

Follow the steps below to create a new inquiry form.

  1. Navigate to the back-end of your WSM site.
  2. In the main navigation, hover over Content, and in the drop-down click on Inquiry Forms.
  3. Click on the button, Add Inquiry Form, located in either the top right or bottom right area of the page.
  4. The beginning of the page will ask for form information. Refer to the table below for the explanations of each field.

    Field Name

    Description or Purpose

    Form Name The name of the inquiry form.
    Email To The email address where notifications and reply emails are sent once the user completes the form. Allows multiple email addresses separated by a comma. Make sure the email address you list will be actively maintained by someone who can handle the inquiries efficiently.
    Email CC A secondary email address (CC) where the inquiry notification will be sent. The user will see who else the email was sent too. 
    Email BCC A secondary email address (BCC) where the inquiry notification will be sent. The user will not see who else the email was sent too. 
    Email Subject The subject of the confirmation emails sent out from the form submission. It's also the subject of the inquiries in WSM. Make sure this isn't too vague so you never write the emails off as spam or skip over them accidentally.
    Confirmation Email A custom confirmation email. You can use the following variables in your email: *: URL for the customer to view and reply to the inquiry. | * : Customer Name | *: Customer Email | * : The title of your store | * : List of the fields and values that were submitted.
    Description A message displayed above the form. It can be plain text or written as HTML.
    Success Message The message that's displayed after the user submits the form. It can be plain text or written as HTML.

  5. The next section is adding the form fields or custom HTML. Click on the button, Add Field/Section, and you will have several field types you can create which are described below. There are also field types that are not removable and required for the form to work. The required fields are text inputs for Name, Email, and Submit.

    Type of Input


    Text Used for simple text inputs like name or email.
    Text Area Used for a paragraph of text like comments or large messages.
    Select Used to ask a question and provide a list of selectable answers provided by you.
    Select Multiple Similar to the select input, but the user can select more than one option or answer.
    Radio A radio button is a graphical control element that allows the user to choose only one of a predefined set of options created by you.
    Date Selector It allows the user to select a specific date.
    Newsletter Subscription A checkbox selector that allows the user to subscribe to your newsletter with WSM. 
    State Menu A select drop-down of the different states.
    Custom HTML It allows you to add HTML in between different form fields. For example, to separate form sections, or include subtitles.
    File Upload Enter the specific file type's extension you wish to allow the user to upload. For a single file enter: .pdf. For multiple files separate with a comma: .zip,.csv.jpg. The form supports multiple file upload fields. Simply add another File Upload field if needed.

    Note: You can click and drag a field to a different location to re-order the form field inputs.
  6. Contact Form Option: If enabled, the form will be the default contact form with an URL address of domainname.com/contact.html
  7. Product Inquiry Form Option: If enabled, the form will be the default Product Inquiry form. 
    Note: The Inquiry Button option must be enabled under System > Configuration > Catalog in order to use this option.
  8. Presentation Section: 
    Hidden Choose whether or not the form is visible on the front end.
    URL Hidden Choose whether or not the form is visible at its default URL. The form can still be pulled onto the site via a widget.
    Template Leave this option set to, none, to display in a one-column layout 

  9. Customer Access: Login Required, when enabled, only logged-in users with a registered account will be able to access the form.
  10. Customer Access: Access Group, when enabled, only logged-in users within a specific access group will be able to access the form.
  11. Save your new inquiry form by pressing the Save Changes button in the top right or bottom right of your browser window!

How to edit an existing inquiry form

Follow the steps below to edit an inquiry form that already exists in your WSM site.

  1. Navigate to the back-end of your WSM site.
  2. In the main navigation, hover over Content, and in the drop-down click on Inquiry Forms.
  3. Click on the Edit button, Pencil & Notepad icon, of the specific form you would like to edit.
  4. Make your changes.
  5. Don't forget to save your changes by clicking on the Save Changes button in the top right or bottom right of the browser window.

How do I add fields within an existing form?

You can add fields to an existing inquiry form.

  1. Navigate to the back-end of your WSM site.
  2. In the main navigation, hover over Content, and in the drop-down click on Inquiry Forms.
  3. Click on the Edit button, Pencil & Notepad icon, of the specific form you would like to edit.
  4. Click the button Add/Field Section
  5. Click and drag the newly added input to the location you want it to appear in the form.
  6. Save your changes by clicking on the Save Changes button in the top right or bottom right of the browser window. 

How do I remove fields within an existing form?

You can remove fields from an existing inquiry form.

  1. Navigate to the back-end of your WSM site.
  2. In the main navigation, hover over Content, and in the drop-down click on Inquiry Forms.
  3. Click on the Edit button, Pencil & Notepad icon, of the specific form you would like to edit.
  4. Find the input you would like to remove.
  5. Click on the red X button to remove the input.
  6. Save your changes by clicking on the Save Changes button in the top right or bottom right of the browser window. 

Not Receiving New Inquiry Form Notifications - Troubleshooting 

Follow the below steps to troubleshoot possible issues when you do not see new inquiry form notifications delivered to your email inbox:

  1. Navigate to the back-end of your WSM site.
  2. In the main navigation, hover over Content, and in the drop-down click on Inquiry Forms.
  3. Click on the Edit button, Pencil & Notepad icon, of the specific form you would like to troubleshoot.
  4. Make sure the, Email To, field has the correct email address to be delivered to, for example, info@mysite.com/
  5. Enter an additional email address to also receive the forms in the Email Cc, field to help test delivery.
    Note: It is best to use an email address that is not within your website domain to help to test (ex. Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook)
  6. Then go to the inquiry form's page on the front end of the website and submit a test form.
  7. Check your email inbox for the notification (also check spam mail and trash in case it's being filtered there)
  8. If you still do not see the form notification coming through please open a Support Request Ticket or Email Support Staff