The Navigation page in the backend will allow you to control how pages, modules, and functions of your site connect and link together. This is essential for maintaining consistency throughout your site for an easy and intuitive user experience.

Steps to create a Navigation link

Decide where your new link will take the user:

  1. Preview the page, module, or function for which you wish to create a link 
  2. Starting at the end of your domain name, highlight and copy the remainder of the URL (Example: For this page, you would copy /p-8656-navigation.html)

Where you will place your link on the page:

  1. Review your page and decide where you wish your link to appear
  2. Go to the back end of your WSM
  3. Hover over Content
  4. Click on Navigation
  5. To find the location where you will place your link, click Menu Group at the top right; here you will see a list of menu groups titled by location. Find the group in which you wish to place your new link and take note of the Menu Group name

Creating the link:

  1. Click Add Link at the top right
  2. Fill in the link data according to the information in the table below

*Name Name of the link. Name of the link as it will appear in the menu, unless you provide a Link Title below. 
Link Title Menu link title or hover text displayed in site navigation menus. Menu link title or hover text displayed in site navigation menus.
Menu Entry
*Priority Sorting for pages. Determines the order priority when displaying the link (within the menu you select below). The higher the number will move the item up or to the left in priority of the menu.
CSS Class An optional custom class to use for this item when shown in a WSM auto-generated listings.
Menu Group Group menu items are stored in. Group menu items are displayed
Child Menu Group Menu group to display as a child drop-down, also used in page-specific menus. Menu group to display as a child drop-down, also used in page-specific menus
*Link Targe Value for the target attribute of links. _self is the default (normal) behavior, and _blank will cause the link to always open in a new window/tab. Determines how the link will open the page. If you want it to open in the same window (replace the current page they are viewing), select _self which is the default (normal). If you want it to open in another window or tab select _blank.
Type Type of link you wish to create. Select the type of link you wish to create. You have 4 options and each is directly related to its field below the drop down list. The specific field will become available when you select the type.
URL URL target. If you specify URL as the Type then you will need to provide the website/web page you want the link to open. For example if you are creating a link that will navigate the viewer to google you would type This would be a good time to set the Link Target to _blank.
Category  Category target. When Category is selected for the Type this dropdown will include a list of all created in WSM.
Page Page target. When Page is selected for the Type this dropdown will include a list of all your Site created in WSM.


Once all of the pertinent information has been filled in, click the Add Navigation Link button at the bottom right to complete the process. Go back to your front site, and confirm.

You should see your link!