This page will explain why content is so important, both on its own and in relation to Search Engine Optimization. It will also get you started with some HTML tags that will allow you to insert content and present it in an efficient manner.

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Inserting content onto a website is a crucial part of creating online success. The biggest thing you can do to boost exposure is to have content on your site that is truly useful and interesting to your visitors. 

Creating High Quality Content

When it comes to the World Wide Web, especially eCommerce, content is king. Marketing ploys and strategies implemented can work wonders for the visibility of your website, but nothing can improve traffic as easily and efficiently as high quality content. Google has adamantly stated for quite some time- create content for people, not computers. The algorithms that Google uses to determine ranking and relevance continue to increase in effectiveness, and it is very important to make sure you’re spending the time to ensure that your website’s content is giving site visitors exactly what they’re looking for.

Advantages of Content vs. SEO

There’s no argument that search engine optimization is an extremely important aspect of maintaining a successful web presence, but not only is Search Engine Optimization a highly competitive arena but also one in which nothing can be known for sure. In fact there are so many variables that it is almost impossible to ascertain for sure why a website is or isn’t ranking as well as it apparently should, but there is one thing that is certain- once you get people onto the website, you have to keep them there.

Spending time on your website content will not only mean that your website is more likely to be visible in the results pages of searches for relevant long tail phrases (which account for more than 70% of all searches made through Google), but actually makes your website itself considerably better. Better meaning that people will be glad to have found it, visitors are more likely to pay attention to your message, and a prospective customer is considerably more inclined to make the transition to satisfied customer!

Inserting Content via WSM

Web Shop Manager is designed to inherently be easy for anyone to jump in and completely manage their website. Anyone from an IT professional to someone who has barely any knowledge of computers should be able to easily find their way. This is accomplished with easy to understand and clear fields that can be filled out in the back end of every site page.

For example to edit a site page you simply click content > site pages and locate the parent page you wish to edit. Click the brown bag icon (items) to see a list of individual site pages. You can now click edit (the pencil and paper) and change the page to your liking

The edit page: Discussing the “content” section exclusively: the default setting of this section will require content to be inserted in HTML format. However, WSM has a Toggle Editor button that will allow you to enter content very similar to how it would be done in a Word document. If you would rather enter content in HTML, below are some basic starter tags that will assist you (note that the spaces need to be taken out, they are present here to prevent the code from taking effect):

  • < h1 > Will create a header out of everything between it and the < /h1 > tag. Substituting h2 or h3 will create different sized, sub headers.
  • < p > Is a tag placed at the beginning of a new paragraph. It is ended with < /p >
  • < strong > Will bold whatever is in between it and the < /strong > tag
  • < em > Will italicize whatever is in between it and the < /em > tag
  • < br/ > Will create a line break (bigger space in between lines) and should be placed between what you want to create space between
  • < ul > Will start an un-ordered list, or bullets. After the initial tag, each bullet point needs to be designated with a < li > tag at the beginning, and subsequently closed with a < /li > tag. When all bullets are complete, end the list with a < /ul > tag.
  • < ol > will create a list much like the one above, but it will be numbered. (ordered list). The < li > tags are used the same.

Here is an example of how to set up list items:
< ul >

  • < li >Content< /li >
  • < li >Content< /li >
  • < li >Content< /li >

< /ul >