Follow the below steps to troubleshoot possible issues when you do not see new inquiry form notifications delivered to your email inbox:
- Go to the back end of your WSM
- Hover over Content
- Click on Inquiry Forms
- Click the Edit icon
on the form you wish to check
- Make sure the Email To field has the correct email address to be delivered to, for example,
- Enter an additional email address to also receive the forms in the Email Cc field to help test delivery -
- Note it is best to use an email address that is not within your website domain to help testing (ex. Gmail, Yahoo, MSN email address)
- Then go to the inquiry form's page on the front end of the website and submit a test form
- Check your email inbox for the notification (also check spam mail and trash in case it's being filtered there)
- If you cannot locate the inquiry form your site is using, it is likely the inquiry form is system generated.
System-generated forms will only use the email address found under the System > Configuration > General tab. You will also notice there is no Inquiry form with the Product check box - checked, indicating the form is system generated. The most efficient way direct a form to use the email address you want to use, is to create a new form. and have it set to the Product Form
If you still do not see the form notification coming through please open a Support Request Ticket or Email Support Staff