Almost EVERY part of your website has a unique, system-generated ID assigned to it. If you're looking for something on your site & you know the ID; this article will show you how to quickly find it in the backend of your site.

These are the areas covered in this article


Step 1: Identify the ID

  • Many of WSM's IDs are hiding in plain site.
  • Order IDs can be found in your New Order Notification email, your customer's Order Confirmation email, & the Order Confirmation page:

  • Products, Categories, & Site Pages can all be found in the URL:


Step 2: Find the right area in the backend of the site

Are you looking for an order?

  1. In the top navigation bar, hover over "Orders" & click "All Orders"
  2. Click the edit icon for ANY order
  3. SEE: In the URL window, the ID of the order
  4. Change the ID in the URL to the ID you want to find & click enter

Are you looking for a category?

  1. Use the front-end URL to find the category ID
  2. Go to the back-end of your site. In the top navigation bar, hover over "CATALOG" & click "Categories"
  3. Click the edit icon for ANY category
  4. SEE: In the URL window, the ID of the category
  5. Change the ID in the URL to the ID you want to find & click enter

Are you looking for a list of products in a category?

 Click here for instructions to find the products in a category...
  1. Use the front-end URL to find the category ID
  2. Go to the back-end of your site. In the top navigation bar, hover over "CATALOG" & click "Categories"
  3. Click the products icon for ANY category
  4. SEE: In the URL window, the ID of the category
  5. Change the ID in the URL to the ID you want to find & click enter

Are you looking for a content page?

 Click here for instructions to find a content page...
  1. Use the front-end URL to find the content page ID
  2. Go to the back-end of your site. In the top navigation bar, hover over "CONTENT" & click "Site Pages"
  3. Click the pages icon for ANY topic
  4. Click the edit icon for ANY page

  5. SEE: In the URL window, the ID of the content page
  6. Change the ID in the URL to the ID you want to find & click enter

Are you looking for a product?

 Click here for instructions to find a product...
    1. Use the front-end URL to find the product ID
    2. Go to the back-end of your site. In the top navigation bar, hover over "CATALOG" & click "Products"
    3. Click the edit icon for ANY product
    4. SEE: In the URL window, the ID of the product
    5. Change the ID in the URL to the ID you want to find & click enter