The information on this page can be used as a quick reference tool which will assist you in using the data import feature to properly apply or change your standard pricing on existing products

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WSM Export/Import feature allows you to update specific fields on existing products. This document is focused on performing price changes.

When using the product import data feature you will need to first create a spreadsheet indicating all of the values that you would like to change. For price changes this is typically completed by Exporting your products from the site. Once you've exported and modified the pricing you can then use the backend of WSM to allow importing.

The table below will help to determine which values and definitions each of your fields require. You will utilize this chart once your product profile is created and you are beginning to add fields to allow for your csv product spreadsheet to be imported.

The fields below are typically the only fields you need to perform price changes. If you are looking to adjust other data on your products see the full list of fields on the Import Model: Products page.

Price changes are typically performed in 4 main steps

  1. Identify/create the profile you will use to export data
  2. Identify and export the products
  3. Update data in Excel to new prices
  4. Import to WSM to update products


Identify/create the profile you will use to export data

All sites have access to Global profiles. The following is how you can copy a global profile. You can then change the fields you wish to export if your needs are different.

  1. Log into the back-end of your websites, http://YOURDOMAIN.COM/admin
  2. Hover on Data
  3. Click CSV Profiles
  4. Search for 14264
  5. Click the Copy Button
  6. Click edit on the new profile you just created and rename to so you can easily identify the profile
  7. You can now click the Blue Folder and review the fields currently included in the profile. You can add and/or remove any fields. However, you must leave the ID field so you have a guaranteed unique identifier to import your data back into the site.

Identify and export the products

You can export products in two different manners.

  1. Directly from the CSV Profile. Exporting ALL products on your site
  2. From any filtered product list page. Exporting only the products listed. Below are examples of ways to filter products.
    1. By Brand
      1. Hover over Catalog
      2. Click Brands
      3. Locate the brand you wish to export
      4. Click the Box icon
      5. From the Product list page, click the Select Export Profile
      6. Click Export button
    2. By Category
      1. Hover over Catalog
      2. Click Categories
      3. Click the Blue folder on the Parent category and navigate til you are at the child category with products
      4. Once on the category with product click the Box icon
      5. From the Product list page, click the Select Export Profile
      6. Click Export button
    3. By Search
      1. Hover over Catalog
      2. Click Products
      3. Perform a simple text search or use the Advance search feature
      4. From the Product list page, click the Select Export Profile
      5. Click Export button

Update data in Excel to new prices

Excel is a great tool to complete your price changes. Please do the following as soon as you open your file.

  1. Save your file with a new name keeping your original export as a backup.
  2. Complete your price changes.
  3. Save your file in a CSV format.

Import to WSM to update products

The last step is to import your data back to WSM. If you have not done a lot of importing you may want to before a test import by creating a new file with only a few rows of data, including your heading. Note, your import profile does not have to include all the fields in your file. You can limit it to the Unique identifier (WSMID) and the price fields you need to modify. Below are the steps to create your profile.

  1. Hover on Data
  2. Click CSV Profiles
  3. Search for 14263
  4. Click the Copy Button
  5. Click edit on the new profile you just created and rename to so you can easily identify the profile
  6. You can now click the Blue Folder and review the fields currently included in the profile. You can add and/or remove fields. However, you must leave the ID field so you have a guaranteed unique identifier to import your data back into the site. Also, you cannot add fields that are not in your Excel file.
  7. Once you have the fields on the profile you want to import, click the Run Import button
  8. Click Choose File and select the file you saved on your computer
  9. Click Run Import

Note: for a price adjustment you do not need to click Force or Append

Fields Defined

Typically this section will be a two column table that defines each data field in the relative module page. It may also be a table that defines other important criteria or characteristics. Use the basic table formatting as illustrated below.

  • Default: The value which is automatically displayed if you have not designated a value on your import file.
  • Values: Indicates how you must enter the text for that particular field category.
  • Delimited: Indicates what you must use for your Multi-Value Delimiter when having multiple cells load into one profile field. This feature is most commonly used when loading product images, as many times clients wish to show multiple product images for each item. If the MVD was a - your VALUES would read as the following: ${column header1}-${column header2}-${column header3}
  • Force Update: Indicates whether a force update must be clicked to have the new data load over the existing data. A force update is needed when an existing field’s information does not automatically update with the new csv file’s data.
  • Character: Either a restriction or recommendation for this field.
  • Special Notes: See special notes section for any additional details that may need to be referenced.


 An asterisk * identifies a required field.

Field Name
Description or Purpose

Default: Blank
Values: Text (Spelling and space sensitive to match existing brands in your site)
Delimited: N/A
Force Update: No
Character Limit: 255
Target Field: Brand
Special Notes: Mandatory for Google Shopping Feed. If the brand does not exist in WSM when you import your products, the Brand will be created for you.


Default: Blank
Values: Text, No HTML
Delimited: N/A
Force Update: No
Character Limit: N/A
Target Field: Dealer ID
Special Notes: Mandatory for Google Shopping Feed and can be your Unique Identifier. Usually provided by the product manufacturer. Note: If using the "Minimal" import file this also must be your unique ID.


Default: System Generated
Force Update:
Character Limit:
Target Field: ID
Special Notes: 
This is an export only fieldIt is works great as a unique identifier for updating existing products.


Default: Blank
Values: Text, no HTML
Delimited: N/A
Force Update: No
Character Limit: 255
Target Field: Title
Special Notes: This will be the main product name displayed to the customer and used on orders. It does not have to be unique but should be descriptive enough for customers to recognize what the item is when browsing.


Default: 0.00
Values: Decimal
Delimited: N/A
Force Update: No
Character Limit: 2 Decimal
Target Field: Price
Special Notes: Do not include the $ symbol in your CSV file.


Default: 0.00
Values: Decimal
Delimited: N/A
Force Update: No
Character Limit: N/A
Target Field: Sale
Special Notes: Do not include the $ symbol in your CSV file.

Sale Hidden Default: Disabled
Values: 0 or 1
Delimited: N/A
Force Update: No
Character Limit: 2 Decimal
Target Field: Sale Hidden
Special Notes: 1= Enabled 0= Disabled. When enabled customers must add the product to their cart in order to view the sale price. When this is enabled, your Google Shopping Feed will only include Price and not Sale Price. This is typically used when selling products below Minimum Advertised Price (MAP).

Default: Blank
Values: Text, No HTML
Delimited: N/A
Force Update: No
Character Limit: N/A
Target Field: Stock ID
Special Notes: Mandatory for Google Shopping Feed and is the most popular Unique Identifier field. Usually provided by the product manufacturer. Note: If using the "Minimal" import file this also must be your unique ID.


It can be an internal SKU or Item Number. If you do not have an established Unique ID you can use Excel to generate one for you. For example, if I want your ID to start with GF101 and incrementally increase I would type GF101 in the first cell for StockID. Then place your cursor in the lower right corner of the cell. When your cursor changes to the black plus sign click and drag until all products have a Unique . Note the numbers should increase incrementally.