There are many ways that WSM allows you to customize your Product profile imports. The information on this page can be used as a quick reference tool which will assist you in using the data import feature properly when importing products.

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Let’s say that you have a large amount of products that you would like to be put onto your website. Would you rather enter each item manually or create a spreadsheet that would allow you to import them all in just a few clicks? I would venture a guess that you would pick the latter of the two. By utilizing the product data import fields, you will be able to upload a virtually unlimited amount of products in a tidy way with minimal setup. 


When using the product import data feature you will need to first create a spreadsheet indicating all of the values that you would like to display along with product. These values usually consist of the item#, primary description (Summary), extended/secondary description (Summary 2), image(s) and any other information that you would also like to have shown on your product page. Once you have created your spreadsheet and saved it as a CSV file, as described in a previous topic, you can begin to set up the back end of WSM to allow importing of your products.

The table below will help to determine which values and definitions each of your fields require. You will utilize this chart once your product profile is created and you are beginning to add fields to allow for your csv product spreadsheet to be imported.

Complete the following to access the module/area/section in Web Shop Manager (WSM)

  1. Log into your WSM Admin panel
  2. Hover over Data
  3. Click on CSV Profiles

Protect Yourself (warning)

While importing allows you create products and make updates in bulk, it also allows you make mistakes in bulk if you're not careful.

Take these steps to protect yourself.

  • Backup your data before importing. Export before import.
    • Having a backup of your data makes things easier to restore your data in the event of a mistake.
    • You can export the same data set twice to avoid editing your backup file by mistake!
  • Run a small sample before importing the full file.
    • Make the sample small enough that if needed, you can correct the mistakes manually while you sort out the import profile.
  • Segment your imports.
    • We know it's tempting to cram all of your updates into one profile, but segmenting what you're updating allows to isolate problems when they occur.
    • Each of your profiles should have a specific goal. Updating Images, Pricing, Shipping Dimensions, etc.
    • This applies to both creating new and updating existing products.

Form Fields Defined

Typically this section will be a two column table that defines each data field in the relative module page. It may also be a table that defines other important criteria or characteristics. Use the basic table formatting as illustrated below.

Default: The value which is automatically displayed if you have not designated a value on your import file.

Values: Indicates how you must enter the text for that particular field category.

Delimited: Indicates what you must use for your Multi-Value Delimiter ("MVD") when having multiple cells load into one profile field. This feature is most commonly used when loading product images, as many times clients wish to show multiple product images for each item. If the MVD was a - your VALUES would read as the following: ${column header1}-${column header2}-${column header3}. You should NOT put spaces between the MVD.

Force Update: Indicates whether a force update must be clicked to have the new data load over the existing data. A force update is needed when an existing field’s information does not automatically update with the new CSV file’s data.

Character: Either a restriction or recommendation for this field.

Special Notes: See special notes section for any additional details that may need to be referenced.

*Advanced File Only

**Advanced and Best Practice Files

***Minimum, Advanced and Best Practice Files


 An asterisk * identifies a required field.

Field Name
Description or Purpose
Access Group

Default: Blank
Values: Text, No HTML
Delimited: Use a character to assign more than one group to a product.
Force Update: No
Character Limit: N/A
Target Field: Access Group(s)
Product Menu Field: Access Group
Special Notes: Use in conjunction with Login to require that you be in a group to see the product.


Default: Today's Date
Values: A Date & Time Using the following format 2012-01-01 01:01:01
Delimited: N/A
Force Update: No
Character Limit: N/A
Target Field: Added
Product Menu Field: Added
Special Notes: Prevent all of the products that you are importing from having "New" text by specifying a date that is more then 30 days in the past. If you want the same date for all products you are importing then you can specify the value in the CSV Profile instead. For example enter 2012-01-01 01:01:01 in the Source Value and specify Literal for the Source Type.

Additional Details Default: Blank
Values: Text & HTML Enabled
Delimited: Use the | (I bar symbol) as your Compound-Value Delimiter.
Force Update: Yes
Character Limit: 2,000,000
Target Field: Detail
Product Menu Field: Extra Details
Special Notes: The column heading in your CSV file will be used at the Details Title and the contents of the cell the actual details. You may have multiple detail tabs on your product page by adding more detail profile fields to your WSM product import profile with the tab name matching the column heading in your CSV spreadsheet. When using a "Detail" column any product(s) that do not have content in the "Detail" cell will still have a "Detail" tab but with no content. Therefore we recommend create two separate files, with and without the "Detail" column. 

Export Note: If you want to export multiple detail tabs, you will need to specify the proper delimiters in your CSV profile. In your CSV profile for the details field you will need to add a compound value delimiter of |(pipe character – hold down the shift key and back slash) and a multi delimiter of ~ (tilde – hold down shift key and the accent`). These special characters will allow you to identify each of the tab names and their contents without conflicting any HTML you may add.


Admin Notes Default: Blank
Values: Text, No HTML
Delimited: N/A
Force Update: No
Character Limit: 2,000,000
Target Field: Notes
Product Menu Field: Admin Notes
Special Notes: Are only seen back back end WSM user. These are only seen when editing the product in the back end and can not be seen by customers. 

Default: Blank
Values: Full URL for Location of the file
Delimited: To upload multiple attachments, use ; as your Multi-Value Delimiter
Force Update: Yes
Character Limit: N/A
Target Field: Attachment
Product Menu Field: Attachments
Special Notes: Requires the full URL for location of the PDF file, example: If you do not have your PDF files located on a web server you can use the WSM Files & Images feature to upload the files. Create a folder called "allproductattachments". This will allow you to easily delete the files after your importing is complete.

When importing, column heading will be the actual link name on the product page (i.e. Instructions).  You can add this filed multiple times to your profile to accommodate multiple types of attachments.

When attachments are added to a product a new auto - generated tab will appear on the front end of the site named Documents. To rename this tab, submit a Service Request.

Attribute-Set & Attributes

See the Attribute Import page for use of these fields.

Availability Remarks

Default: Blank
Values: Text, No HTML
Delimited: N/A
Force Update: No
Character Limit: 255
Target Field: 
Availability Remarks
Product Menu Field: Availability Remarks
Special Notes: Value for this field may be found on the product pages.


Default: Available
Values: Available, Inventory, Unique, Out of Stock, Sold, Limited Supply, Please Call, Not for Sale
Delimited: N/A
Force Update: No
Character Limit: N/A
Target Field: Availability
Product Menu Field: Availability
Special Notes: Value from list above required. If using "Inventory" we require the Inventory Amount field. 


Default: Blank
Values: Text (Spelling and space sensitive to match existing brands in your site)
Delimited: N/A
Force Update: No
Character Limit: 255
Target Field: Brand
Product Menu Field: Brand
Special Notes: Mandatory for Google Shopping Feed. If the brand does not exist in WSM when you import your products, the Brand will be created for you.

Block Shipping Rules

Default: No
Values: 0 or 1
Delimited: N/A
Force Update: No
Character Limit: 1
Target Field: Block Shipping Rules
Product Menu Field: Block Shipping Rules
Special Notes: 1=Yes, 0=No. Only the number should be entered in the cell in your CSV file. Defines whether the product will allow the shipping rule(s) assigned to the site to be used or not. 

Category Name

(Rarely used - see "Category Tree" below)

Default: None Selected
Values: Text (Spelling and space sensitive to match existing Categories in WSM) and must be Unique from all other Category Names.
Delimited: To assign a product to many categories use ; as your Multi-Value Delimiter
Force Update: Yes
Character Limit: 255
Target Field: Category Name
Product Menu Field: Categories (see special notes below)
Special Notes: To use this field instead of Category Tree, your categories have to already exist in the backend of your site AND your category names have to be completely unique across your entire site. A product HAS to belong to at least 1 category. A product CAN belong to as many categories as you would like.

Example Product: 14" Red Balloon 
Category Tree: Red Balloons;Balloons


Default: None Selected
Values: Text (Spelling and space sensitive to match existing Categories in your site)
Delimited: Use the > as your Compound-Value Delimiter to separate your Parent and Child categories. To assign a product to multiple categories use ; as your Multi-Value Delimiter
Force Update: Yes
Character Limit: N/A
Target Field: Category Tree
Product Menu Field: Categories (see special notes below)
Special Notes: A product HAS to belong to at least 1 category. A product CAN belong to as many categories as you would like. If a Category does not exist in your site at the time of importing it will be created upon import. Example Product: 14" Red Balloon . Category Tree: Party Supplies>Balloons>Red Balloons;Birthday Supplies>Balloons.  Do not use spaces before or after the compound or multi-value delimiter!

Compat Unused Field
Condition Default: Based on your Configuration Setting
Values: New, Used, Antique, Refurbished
Delimited: N/A
Force Update: No
Character Limit: N/A
Target Field: Condition
Product Menu Field: Condition
Special Notes: Is included in your Google Shopping file.

Default: 0.00
Values: Decimal
Delimited: N/A
Force Update: No
Character Limit: N/A
Target Field: Cost
Product Menu Field: Cost $
Special Notes: Do not include the $ symbol in your CSV file.


(Dealer/Supplier #)

Default: Blank
Values: Text, No HTML
Delimited: N/A
Force Update: No
Character Limit: N/A
Target Field: Dealer ID
Product Menu Field: Dealer/Supplier #
Special Notes: Mandatory for Google Shopping Feed and can be your Unique Identifier. Usually provided by the product manufacturer. Note: If using the "Minimal" import file this also must be your unique ID.


(Short - see "Extended Description" below)

Default: Blank
Values: Text, HTML Allowed
Delimited: N/A
Force Update: No
Character Limit: 2,000,000
Target Field: Summary
Product Menu Field: Description
Special Notes: When entered the information will appear next to the product image and below the Name. You can use HTML when entering this information into the Import File to create formatted text. This text will also be used on the Category page when in List View and when Advanced Category Layout is enabled.

Email Notes Default: Blank
Values: Text, No HTML
Delimited: N/A
Force Update: No
Character Limit: 2,000,000
Target Field: Email Notes
Product Menu Field: Email Notes (HTML)
Special Notes: It will appear in the confirmation order email directly below the Product Title aka Product Name. 
Extended Description

Default: Blank
Values: Text, HTML Allowed
Delimited: N/A
Force Update: No
Character Limit: 2,000,000
Target Field: Summary 2
Product Menu Field: Extended Description
Special Notes: Used as the Extended Description and is displayed below the product images and price. You can use HTML when entering this information into the Import File to create formatted text. This text will also be used on the Category page when in List View and when Advanced Category Layout is enabled.

Featured Default: Ignored
Values: Category Name
Delimited: N/A
Force Update: No
Character Limit: 255
Target Field: Featured
Product Menu Field: n/a
Special Notes: This field is only used if you are updating the categories for existing products in your site and your site uses "Special" categories to display products on your home page. If so, then add a Featured field with Source Type Literal, and the Source Value the Category Name with is common "Featured Products".
Fee Default:Ignored
Varies - Core charges, freight charges, etc
Use > as compound delimiter and ";" (semi-colon) as multi-delimiter
Force Update:
Character Limit: 
Target Field: 
Product Menu Field: 
Special Notes: 
Freight Class

Default: Non-Freight (to change a product to "Non-Freight", import a blankvalue).
Force Update: 
Character Limit: 
Target Field: Freight Class
Product Menu Field: Freight Class
Special Notes: Available only for FedEx LTL Freight. Field is not available unless the LTL methods are selected on the System>Configuration>Shipping & Handling tab.

Free Ground Shipping

Default: System Configuration
Values: 0,1,2 or 3
Delimited: N/A
Force Update: No
Character Limit: 1
Target Field: Ships Ground Free
Product Menu Field: Free Ground Shipping
Special Notes: 0= System Configuration, 1=Yes, 2=No, 3=Yes, block non-continental US shipping. 

Yes (does not block non-continental US) - Will always provide free shipping for this item. This may display a $0.00 value for UPS, FedEx, or USPS ground methods. If other non-free shipping items (No or System Configuration) are in the cart the weight of a “yes” product will not be used in the return shipping amount from UPS, FedEx or USPS.
Import Value: 1

No -  Will never ship free. The weight of this product will always be used when calculating shipping.
Import Value: 2

Yes, block non-continental US shipping -  Will always provide free shipping for this item if the items is shipping within the continental United States. This may display a $0.00 value for UPS, FedEx, or USPS ground methods. If other non-free shipping items (No or System Configuration) are in the cart the weight of a “yes” product will not be used in the return shipping amount from UPS, FedEx or USPS.
Import Value: 3

System Configuration - The items will only use the System Configuration “Free Shipping” method when enabled.
Import Value: 0

Google Category

Default: None Selected
Values: Text (Spelling and space sensitive to match existing Google Category)
Delimited: N/A
Force Update: No
Character Limit: N/A
Target Field: Googlebase Category
Product Menu Field: Google Base Category
Special Notes: A product can only belong to 1 Google category. Use the " > " as your Compound-Value Delimiter to separate the Parent and Child categories as indicated on Google's website. An up-to-date list of Google Categories can be found here, and copy/pasted into your file. 

Handling Default: 0.00
Values: Decimal
Delimited: N/A
Force Update: No
Character Limit: 2 Decimal
Target Field: Handling
Product Menu Field: Handling
Special Notes: Do not include the $ symbol in your CSV file. Extra handling fee included over any applicable shipping cost. A handling fee at the product level will be added to other handling fees, including a fee at the cart & checkout.

Default: 0.00
Values: Decimal
Delimited: N/A
Force Update: No
Character Limit: 2 Decimal
Target Field: Height
Product Menu Field: Package → Dimensions (inches) → Height
Special Notes: Do not include a unit of measure in your CSV file, ex. " or inch. Required only if it ships in its own box or if using USPS.

Hidden Default: No
Values: 0 or 1
Delimited: N/A
Force Update: No
Character Limit: 1
Target Field: Hidden
Product Menu Field: Hidden
Special Notes: 1=Yes, 0=No. Only the number should be entered in the cell in your CSV file, no text. It can also be added as a literal value in your CSV Profile.



Default: System Generated
Force Update:
Character Limit:
Target Field: ID
Product Menu Field: WSM Product #
Special Notes: 
This is an export only fieldIt is works great as a unique identifier for updating existing products.


Default: None
Values: Full URL for Location of the file
Delimited: The compound delimiter  ">" is used to specify an optional caption.  Use the multi-value delimiter ";" to specify multiple image URLs.  See example.

  •>First image caption;;>Caption for third image (note that the second image does not have a caption)

Force Update: Yes
Character Limit: N/A
Target Field: Image
Product Menu Field: Add Photos
Special Notes: Is included in your Google Shopping file and required in order to include the product in the file. A product can have as many images as you would like. The first image that you list will be your main product image.

(warning) WARNING: Do not import image URLs that were previously exported.  Doing so will cause you to lose these images permanently.

Inventory Amount

Default: 0
Values: Numerical
Delimited: N/A
Force Update: No
Character Limit: N/A
Target Field: Inventory
Product Menu Field: Remaining Inventory
Special Notes: Can only be used in conjunction with the Availability Status, set to "Inventory". 


Default: 0.00
Values: Decimal
Delimited: N/A
Force Update: No
Character Limit:  2 Decimal
Target Field: Length
Product Menu Field: Package → Dimensions (inches) → L
Special Notes: Do not include a unit of measure in your CSV file, ex. " or inch. Required if only if it ships in its own box or if using USPS.

Login Required Default: No
Values: Yes or No
Delimited: N/A
Force Update: No
Character Limit: 3
Target Field: Login Required
Product Menu Field: Login Required
Special Notes: Only the "Yes" or "No" value should be entered in the cell in your CSV file, no text. It can also be added as a literal value in your CSV Profile.  This value is case-sensitive.
Meta Description

Default: Blank/System Generated by WSM from your product description.
Values: Text, No HTML
Delimited: N/A
Force Update: No
Character Limit: 200
Target Field: Meta Description
Product Menu Field: Meta Description
Special Notes: We recommend a max length of 200 characters and/or 2 sentences, and do not over repeat targeted keywords (spam).

Meta Keywords

Default: Blank/System Generated by WSM from your product description.
Values: Text, No HTML
Delimited: N/A
Force Update: No
Character Limit: 20 Phrases
Target Field: Meta Keywords
Product Menu Field: Meta Keywords
Special Notes: We recommend a max length of 20 keywords (words or phrases separated by commas).

Meta Title

Default: Blank/System Generated by WSM matching your product name.
Values: Text, No HTML
Delimited: N/A
Force Update: No
Character Limit: 60
Target Field: Page Title
Product Menu Field: Page Title
Special Notes: We recommend a max length of 60 characters.


(Product Title)

Default: Blank
Values: Text, no HTML
Delimited: N/A
Force Update: No
Character Limit: 254
Target Field: Title
Product Menu Field: Product Name
Special Notes: This will be the main product name displayed to the customer and used on orders. It does not have to be unique but should be descriptive enough for customers to recognize what the item is when browsing.

Option Sets Default: None Selected
Values: Numerical 
Delimited: To assign multiple option sets to one product use ; as your Multi-Value Delimiter
Force Update: Yes
Character Limit: N/A
Target Field: Option Set
Product Menu Field: Options
Special Notes: Numerical value must match a Option Set ID from within your store. Option sets must be set up in your store prior to importing, to learn how to set up options please visit our Options Page
Own Box Default: No
Values: 0 or 1
Delimited: N/A
Force Update: No
Character Limit: 1
Target Field: Own Box
Product Menu Field: Own Box
Special Notes: 1=Yes, 0=No. Only the number should be entered in the cell in your CSV file. Defines whether the product needs to be calculated individually for shipping. If set to No, product will be combined with other non-Own Box items in the cart shipping. If set to Yes, the product's shipping will be calculated as it's own package.

Default: 0.00
Values: Decimal
Delimited: N/A
Force Update: No
Character Limit: 2 Decimal
Target Field: Price
Product Menu Field: Price $
Special Notes: Do not include the $ symbol in your CSV file.

Priority Default: 500
Values: 1-999
Delimited: N/A
Force Update:  No
Character Limit: 3 digits 
Target Field: Priority
Special Notes:  This field can ONLY be used for Advanced Guided Search sites. It will control the order is displayed on category, brand, and search pages.
Product Series Default:  Blank
Values:  Product Series Name
Delimited: N/A 
Force Update: No
Character Limit: No
Target Field: Product Series
Special Notes: This field can Only be used for Advanced Guided Search sites using product series. The site will need to be indexed to apply any changes to the frontend of your site.
Quote Shipping

Default: No
Values: 0 or 1
Delimited: N/A
Force Update: No
Character Limit: 1
Target Field: Ship Quote
Product Menu Field: Quote Shipping
Special Notes: 1=Yes, 0=No. If set to Yes, the only shipping method available on checkout will be "Quote Shipping", regardless of what other items are in the cart. Often used for over-sized or freight items that exceed the allowed shipping weight and/or girth by UPS, FedEx or USPS.

Remote Update Default: Disabled
Values: 0 or 1
Delimited: N/A
Force Update: No
Character Limit: 1
Target Field: Remote Update
Product Menu Field: Remote Update
Special Notes: 1= Enabled 0= Disabled. This is only used when you are receiving product updates through an API. 
Requires Shipping Default: Yes
Values: 0 or 1
Delimited: N/A
Force Update: No
Character Limit: 1
Target Field: Ships
Product Menu Field: Requires Shipping
Special Notes: 1=Yes, 0=No. When set to Yes, then the shipping for this product is required. If set to No and if the only product in the cart, then your customer will not be required to enter a shipping address. This would typically used for electronic Gift Cards or Installation services. 

Default: 0.00
Values: Decimal
Delimited: N/A
Force Update: No
Character Limit: N/A
Target Field: Sale
Product Menu Field: Sale $
Special Notes: Do not include the $ symbol in your CSV file.

Sale Hidden Default: Disabled
Values: 0 or 1
Delimited: N/A
Force Update: No
Character Limit: 2 Decimal
Target Field: Sale Hidden
Product Menu Field: Sale $ → add to cart to see sale price
Special Notes: 1= Enabled 0= Disabled. When enabled customers must add the product to their cart in order to view the sale price. When this is enabled, your Google Shopping Feed will only include Price and not Sale Price. This is typically used when selling products below Minimum Advertised Price (MAP).
Shipping Default: 0.00
Values: Decimal
Delimited: N/A
Force Update: No
Character Limit: 2 Decimal
Target Field: Shipping
Product Menu Field: Shipping
Special Notes: Do not include the $ symbol in your CSV file. This price is used in conjunction with Basic or International Shipping ONLY. This price will be added to the amount calculated by Basic or International Shipping as set up in your Shipping Configuration
Shipping Remarks Default: Blank
Values: Text, no HTML
Delimited: N/A
Force Update: No
Character Limit: 255
Target Field: Remarks
Product Menu Field: Shipping Remarks
Special Notes: This appears on the Shipping Tab on the product page and the category page when the enhanced category view is enabled. 
Shipping Restrictions Default: None Selected
Values: Numerical 
Delimited: To assign multiple option sets to one product use a semi-colon ; as your Multi-Value Delimiter
Force Update: Yes
Append: Yes if you want to add additional restrictions without having them in your file.
Character Limit: N/A
Target Field: Shipping Restrictions
Product Menu Field: Shipping restrictions
Special Notes: The numerical value must match a Shipping Restrictions ID from within your store. Shipping Restrictions must be set up in your store prior to importing, to learn how to set up options please visit our Shipping Restrictions WSM University page. To remove assigned restrictions on the import, leave the cell blank for the product and check Force Update on import.

Default: Can not be imported
Values: N/A
Delimited: N/A
Force Update: N/A
Character Limit: N/A
Target Field: Stamp
Special Notes: Can not be imported, this is only used when exporting products to export the last date the product was updated.  


(Your Stock Number)

Default: Blank
Values: Text, No HTML
Delimited: N/A
Force Update: No
Character Limit: N/A
Target Field: Stock ID
Product Menu Field: Your Stock #
Special Notes: Mandatory for Google Shopping Feed and is the most popular Unique Identifier field. This number is usually a combination of the manufacturer part number and a code representing the brand, or if you are using an inventory tracking system this number may be the identifier used by that system.

It can be an internal SKU or Item Number. If you do not have an established Unique ID you can use Excel to generate one for you. For example, if I want your ID to start with GF101 and incrementally increase I would type GF101 in the first cell for StockID. Then place your cursor in the lower right corner of the cell. When your cursor changes to the black plus sign click and drag until all products have a Unique . Note the numbers should increase incrementally.

Tag Default: Blank
Values: Text, HTML Allowed
Delimited: N/A
Force Update: No
Character Limit: 255
Target Field: Tag
Product Menu Field: Tags
Special Notes: The text entered in this field will display directly under the Product Name on the product page & on the category list page. This would be typically used as added information about the product name. 
Taxable Default: Enabled
Values: 1 or 2
Delimited: N/A
Force Update: No
Character Limit: 1
Target Field: Taxable
Product Menu Field: Price $ → taxable (checkbox)
Special Notes: 1=Enabled 2=Disabled. When Disabled, sales tax will not be calculated on this item. This is typically used for extra services that are offered with the purchase of a product but do not require sales tax, such as Gift Wrapping. To not charge sales tax to whole-sellers who are sales tax exempt, please read more about Customer Groups offered at our Dealer Level. 
Tiered Pricing See the Tiered-Pricing page for use of these fields.
UPC Code Default: Blank
Values: Numerical and must be 12 digits
Delimited: N/A
Force Update: No
Character Limit: 12
Target Field: UPC Code
Product Menu Field: UPC #
Special Notes: UPC codes are the Universal Product Codes that are typically provided by the product manufacture. Some customer search the internet by UPC codes, so this may enhance the SEO value of your products. 
URL Export Default: Can not be imported
Values: N/A
Delimited: N/A
Force Update: N/A
Character Limit: N/A
Target Field: URL Export
Special Notes: Can not be imported, this is only used when exporting products to export the WSM created URL with WSM ID.   
Warehouse Default: Your Site Name, Address From Site Configuration
Values: Numerical ID
Delimited: N/A
Force Update: Yes
Character Limit: N/A
Target Field: Warehouse
Special Notes: Your Numerical ID needs to match a Warehouse that has been previously set up in your site. 

Default: 0.00
Values: Decimal
Delimited: N/A
Force Update: No
Character Limit: 2 Decimal
Target Field: Weight
Product Menu Field: Package → Weight (lbs)
Special Notes: Do not include a unit of measure in your CSV file. Mandatory if using calculated shipping methods (ex. UPS, FedEx or USPS). Must be entered in lbs.


Default: 0.00
Values: Decimal
Delimited: N/A
Force Update: No
Character Limit: 2 Decimal
Target Field: Width
Product Menu Field: Package → Dimensions (inches) → W
Special Notes: Do not include a unit of measure in your CSV file, ex. " or inch. Required if only if it ships in its own box or if using USPS.