There are many occasions when it seems necessary to link to another website or webpage that compliments your products or services. This page will outline some of the potential uses for resources as well as how to create them.

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Becoming the ‘one-stop-shop’ as an information resource will re-enforce the fact that people should start with your company first to satisfy their needs and answer their questions. Often times it can be extremely beneficial to maintain a list of companies that are somehow relevant to your online eCommerce store, but not necessarily competitors. These may include:

  • Manufacturers – Showcase the brands that you represent to your potential customers and utilize Resources as a line card. Not only will this be an easy way to fit more keywords onto your site, it will also give you a chance to show that you carry respectable brands while giving smaller brands you carry some exposure.
  • Complimentary Companies – There are companies that are related to what your niche, but are not direct competitors. This is a great place to showcase them, and they may return the favor which increases incoming links for both of you. This is extremely valuable for SEO.
  • Associated Companies – You may have a number of strategically aligned companies that can be used to solidify your position as a reputable company. Make the most of your relationships by bringing attention to your associations.


The listings available through Resources also have the ability to increase your revenue and overall success. Keep the listings short and sweet with a description and a small logo and you can even generate revenue with them.

  • Link Sharing: It is often in your best interest to cooperate with other companies in order to increase the amount of inbound links you have going to your website. Resources allow you to add advertising space to your site with minimal effort. Offer a trusted company that is relevant to your industry some ad space if they will reciprocate on their own site. This style of manual link building is a huge part of maximizing your SEO efforts.
  • Paid Sponsorships: If you so desire, you can choose to use the Resources to sell advertising space on your website. A little extra revenue never hurt anyone, and Resources makes setting up ad space a breeze. Not to mention if you’re linking to relevant and trusted websites it can add to the value of your own site as well!
  • Advertising Affiliates: At some point in the growth of your e-business you may choose to allow retailers to sell your products or offer your services through their own website. Resources is the perfect tool for sitting up a list of authorized dealers and driving traffic throughout your network.

All Resources that you add will be listed on the same page. You can use the Navigation to add a link to this page from your site menus. You will need to create a Resource Topic prior to adding Resources. 

Steps to add a Resource:

  1. Go to the back end of your WSM
  2. Hover over Modules
  3. Click Resources
  4. Click Add Resource
  5. From here you can enter all the necessary information for your Resource. The fields with a red star next to them are required, while the others are optional. It is always a good idea to include as much information as possible for your customers and search engines.

*Topic The name to display for this resource topic.
Description A description of the resource topic which may include keywords and phrases to help with SEO.
Extended Description

Additional information that you would like to include for this resource topic which may include keywords and phrases to help with SEO.


The parent resource topic.
Meta Title The title that is displayed in the top of the web browser as well as in Google search results, should be 6-12 word or up to 80 characters and defaults to the topic title if not filled in. 
Meta Description Meta description is used for the page summary in Google search results, defaults to the first 250 characters of your topic description if left empty.
Meta Keywords Meta keywords is a comma separated list of words and phrases to describe this page. Defaults to any given info up to 250 characters.
*Priority Choose the order the resource topic is displayed in. Resources are sorted by priority in descending order. When resources are assigned the same priority, they are sorted alphabetically. 
Hidden When enabled, makes resources hidden and completely inaccessible from the web.
Template Template to use for this topic and all resources in it.
Customer Required  When enabled, makes this resource topic, and all resource within, visible only to customers that are logged into your site.
Customer Group In order to see this resource topic and all resources within, the customer must be logged in as well as assigned to an existing group.